who is Zen Master Avatar Prem Anadi
Bunny Rabbit The Third, garden-variety?

photo of zen master avatar prem anadi bunny rabbit the third garden variety

Hello Beautiful,

This is an excellent question. This is an especially excellent question if it leads you to ask who you are! I would much rather you know who you are, than know who I am. I am also aware that the more you know of your Self, the more you are able to know of the world around you - and that includes me. Anyway, we have to start somewhere - and if we do start, there is a chance that you might recognise something in me or in your Self.

Allow me to introduce myself: I am Zen Master Avatar Prem Anadi Bunny Rabbit The Third, garden-variety. I am an astonishingly handsome Enlightened Zen Master. I live in New Zealand. I am married to a sometimes nice and sometimes annoying man. I am in love with Hazarat Babajan, Osho, Meher Baba, J. Krishnamurti and Sai Baba of Shirdi. I have kids. I have granddaughters. I have a dog. I have some pet fish. I have some pet birds. I have a pet hedgehog. I jog a few times a week. Sometimes I play the violin or viola. I frequently have bad breath.

My dog really likes my cooking. I started learning French in 2010. Some of my best friends are trees. My parents don't know I drive a motor scooter. I listen to the universe. I never learned to skate backwards. I hardly censored myself at all in my first two books.

I am pleased to meet you,

Zen Master Avatar Prem Anadi Bunny Rabbit The Third, garden-variety